
8.10.2017 Tulhu was in MH-test at Renko. Clearly we should have taken her to be tested younger since we saw a lot of learned behaviour during the test so we didn't really get her true reactions. For example at the ghost part. Tulhu has seen people dressed as all kinds of monsters and anime characters (she has been to a couple of conventions with her owner) so why would she be more interested in a person that's dressed up as a ghost than a regular person. She did take contact after she was told she should do it...
Also when playing it was clearly visible that Tulhu prefers ball-games and games where she brings the toy to a human and then they throw it for her. So it was not a surprise when she dropped the toy to be thrown to her.

At the part 1c in my opinion the judge misunderstood the situation (or we just interpret the part differently). I think the 2 Tulhu got refers more to a dog that dodges because it is shy, not to a dog that dodges because she thinks she is working and does not want to be interrupted. Tulhu really is 3 (accepts handling) or usually 4 (accepts handling and takes contact) but now she thought she's going training and this is why people were not interesting to her. This part will always annoy me a bit.

Otherwise the points do describe Tulhu's test well. Only the part 7 was surprising to me. After that part they even asked if we want to discontinue the test. But parts 8, 9 and 10 hopefully tell well enough that the part 7 was not that big a deal and there was no reason to discontinue the test. At the end they also asked if we have practiced the shots when Tulhu didn't react to them at all. And no, we didn't practice shots with her. I don't think Tulhu has ever even heard shooting before this.

This is a MH-test result of a very easy dog. She did not show any signs of aggression, she played eagerly, thought her "own human" as a support if something was too exciting and was not at all afraid of shots. And that's just what Tulhu is!


1a CONTACT Greeting 4: Makes contact voluntarily or responds to it.
1b CONTACT Collaboration 4: Follows willingly, shows interest to test leader.
1c CONTACT Handling 2: Avoids, dodges, looks for handler's support
2a PLAY-1 Playfulness 3: Plays - activity increases / decreases.
2b PLAY-1 Grabbing 4: Grabs immediately with full mouth.
2c PLAY-1 Tug-of-war 3: Bites, pulls back, lets go and bites again. / Corrects bite.
3a PURSUE 1st time 4: Starts at high speed, focused, stops at the prey.
3b GRABBING 1st time 2: Does not grab, sniffs the prey.
3a PURSUE 2nd time 4: Starts at high speed, focused, stops at the prey.
3b GRABBING 2nd time 2: Does not grab, sniffs the prey.
4 ACTIVITY 4: Attentive, activity or anxiousness increase over time.
5a DISTANT PLAY Interest 2: Observes the assistant, pauses from time to time.
5b DISTANT PLAY Threat/aggression 1: Shows no aggressivenes or threatening behaviour.
5c DISTANT PLAY Curiosity 1: Does not approach the assistant
5d DISTANT PLAY Playfulness 1: Shows no interest.
5e DISTANT PLAY Collaboration 1: Shows no interest.
6a SURPRISE Fear 2: Crouches and stops.
6b SURPRISE Threat/aggression< 1: Shows no aggressivenes or threatening behaviour.
6c SURPRISE Curiosity 2: Approaches when the handler squats down and calls the dog.
6d SURPRISE Remaining fear 2: Small bob, change of tempo on one passing.
6e SURPRISE Remaining interest 1: Shows no interest.
7a NOISE SENSITIVITY Fear 4: Escapes for max. 5 meters.
7b NOISE SENSITIVITY Curiosity 2: Approaches when the handler squats down and calls the dog.
7c NOISE SENSITIVITY Remaining fear 5: Great fear, might increase at every passing.
7d NOISE SENSITIVITY Remaining interest 1: Shows no interest.
8a GHOSTS Threat/aggression 1: Shows no aggressivenes or threatening behaviour.
8b GHOSTS Attentiveness 1: Looks at the ghosts a couple of times, becomes uninterested. / Shows no interest.
8c GHOSTS Fear 1: Stays in front of or beside the handler.
8d GHOSTS Curiosity 2: Aprroaches when handler talks with the assistant and calls the dog.
8e GHOSTS Contact 4: Takes contact to the assistant voluntarily.
9a PLAY-2 Playfulness 3: Plays - activity increases / decreases.
9b PLAY-2 Grabbing 3: Grabs slowly or with front teeth only.
10 SHOTS/b> 1: Not distracted, notices quickly, completely inattentive afterwards.

